Aviso sobre o arquivamento de fotos e notificações por email

O arquivamento de suas fotos faz parte de nosso serviço para permitir novos pedidos e, portanto, é parte contratual da criação de uma conta de cliente.

Além disso, o envio de lembretes / notificações por e-mail (por exemplo, informações sobre o fornecimento de fotos ou a exclusão delas) faz parte do nosso serviço e, portanto, não é necessário nenhum pedido separado de consentimento.

Como o envio de e-mails está sendo bastante discutido na mídia, decidimos buscar consentimento adicional para novas contas de clientes. Por favor escreva-nos um e-mail ou clique no link de cancelamento de inscrição em uma notificação por e-mail se não desejar receber mais mensagens nossas.

Nossa política de privacidade pode ser encontrada Aqui.

Delivery Of Printed Products To School or Nursery

The online album stays open for app 2 weeks, some parents/carers order at the start of the process whilst others order at the end. The album will then close after 2 weeks (approx). We then collate all the orders and deliver them to your school or nursery. These are approximate time scales and at times may vary. We are unable to give exact dates of delivery

Replacement and refund Policy

Physical Print Products

We hope that your print prodcust are of acceptable quality and that you are pleased with your purchase. Should you wish to request a reprint of the product ordered, please contact us via the online shop where we can arrange for a reprint to be made and shipped out to you at no extra cost, providing you send the evidence of damage or product not as described , for expample a photo along with the feedback/ complaint message.

Please note, if you would prefer a refund either full or in part due to unnaceptable product conditions or unexpected delays in ststed delivery times, please contact us via the webshop and provide evidence as stated above. We will refund the money back onto your credit or debit card that the order was paid with.


Photo Download/Digital Images 

Once your order and payments have been processed , your download will be avaiable for you to download on your account. We recommend you download and save your images to your own device.

Our system registers when the images have been downloaded, after which , you will not be eligble for a return or refund. These downloads are sold as they're seen in the webshop and as they are non refundable items, please ensure you are happpy with the photos before completing your purchase.

Please contact us within 14 days of the delivery of your order to ensure we support you with a replacement or refund. Your statutory rights are not affected.